Central European Business Review Vol. 7 No. 1


Jarmila Šebestová, Petra Krejčí, Petr Šiška
“Be or Not To Be”: A Dilemma of Business Policy Support on a Regional Level
[plný text (PDF)]

Viktória Endrődi-Kovács, Gábor Kutasi, Anikó Magasházi
Visegrád Group Expertise and Position in the Samsung Global Value Chain: A Case Study of Samsung Electronics in the V4 Countries
[plný text (PDF)]

Zdeňka Náglová
Investment Subsidies in the Meat Industry and Their Impact on Business Economics
[plný text (PDF)]

Stefano Valdemarin
The Successful Internationalization of Intesa Sanpaolo Bank in Central and Eastern Europe: Acquisitions, Insidership and the Uppsala Model
[plný text (PDF)]

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