Central European Business Review Vol. 6 No. 2


Ondřej Machek
[plný text (PDF)]


Mihaela Vancea, Mireia Utzet
Does Unemployment and Precarious Employment Lead to Increasing Entrepreneurial Intentions among Young People? Results from a Survey-Based Study in Spain
[plný text (PDF)]

Andrea Szalavetz
The Environmental Impact of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies: Examples from Hungary
[plný text (PDF)]

Edit Terek, Milan Nikolić, Dragan Ćoćkalo, Sanja Božić, Aleksandra Nastasić
Enterprise Potential, Entrepreneurial Intentions and Envy
[plný text (PDF)]

Ondřej Dvouletý
What is the Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Unemployment in Visegrad Countries?
[plný text (PDF)]

Marian Holienka, Peter Gal, Zuzana Kovacicova
Drivers of Student Entrepreneurship in Visegrad Four Countries: Guesss Evidence
[plný text (PDF)]

Katarzyna Prędkiewicz
Attitude towards Innovation and Barriers in Capital Access
[plný text (PDF)]

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