Ekonomika a management 2016/4

Millennials and Over-the-Top-Services in the Context of Transformation of Telecommunication Business: Evidence from the Czech Republic

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Sabina Kabusheva, Ladislav Tyll, Ondřej Machek

The relationship between telecommunication companies and over-the-top (OTT) services such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, iMessage has been receiving increasing attention over the past years. These services are especially popular among young consumers born between 1980 and 1996, also known as the Millennials. The goals of this article are to provide a comprehensive overview of the transformation of telecommunication business in the Czech Republic and to capture the habits and preferences of consumers in using OTT services on their mobile devices, as well as their satisfaction level with the current telco services that they possess. Using a survey among 289 young Czech consumers conducted at the beginning of 2016, we provide findings that can be used by telecommunication operators as well as OTT provides to adapt their business strategy to the habits and preferences of their current or potential customers.

JEL klasifikace: M15, M30

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