Limit Consumption of Disposable Packaging. Have Take Away Food Packed in REkrabička

You can start using REkrabičky in the canteens and other restaurants in the VŠE campus from the summer semester. The REkrabička is a returnable and reusable packaging for take away food, by using it you will help reduce the consumption of disposable packaging and contribute to the protection of nature.
All you have to do is have the food packed in the REkrabička, pay a refundable deposit of CZK 80. Then, when you finish your meal you can order another, or return the box in VŠE campus or in any other partner company.

Each REkrabička is reusable, made of 100% recyclable material in the Czech Republic. Its lid seals perfectly. Three types of boxes in the original design are complemented by a drinking cup.

REkrabička in VŠE campus:

  • AV Gastro – canteen Italská, Žižkov
  • AV Gastro – canteen Jižní Město
  • FARAO-GASTRO – Jarov
  • FARAO-GASTRO – Volha, Jižní Město
  • Pizza/Veget VŠEm, Žižkov
  • Umbrella, Žižkov