Master degrees in English
The University of Economics, Prague (UEP) offers four Master degrees taught in English.
Their main advantage is not only the possibility to study in English but to study in a multicultural environment. Most of the programmes are run in cooperation with partner universities where part of the study also takes place. This enables students to broaden their knowledge by approaches and experiences from studying abroad. According to § 58 of the law 111/1998 on university education, these are fee-based study programmes.
You can read more about the four programmes in the following article:
International Business – Central European Business Realities is a two-year M. A. programme of a Double degree type with an interdisciplinary range. Achievement of the programme goal is guaranteed by teachers at the University of Economics, Prague, as well as by visiting professors. The programme was established to address the specifics of the Central European business environment. It provides students with a comprehensive education in the fields of economics and management, particularly in international finance, international marketing and business, e-commerce, and international management. Selected students are offered the possibility to fulfil one year of study at a foreign partner university (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, or Fachhochschlue Mainz – University of Applied Sciences) and to obtain graduate degrees from both, the UEP and the partner school (hence, a Double degree). Study groups are of a strongly multicultural nature. Graduates succeed especially in international firms.
An informational meeting for prospective students will take place on 27 March 2008 from 9:30-12:00 in the Rajská building, 5th floor, room 546.
Application deadline: 30. 4. 2008.
Entry requirements:
More info available at:
Ludmila Štěrbová
Academic Director of the programme
Finance and Accounting for Common Europe is a two-year M. A. programme of a Joint degree type of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting. It is conducted in cooperation with the following partner universities: Rotterdam Business School, University of Ljubljana and the University of Matěj Bél, Banská Bystrica. The programme is divided into five blocs where students participate subsequently in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and in Slovenia. The final part of the study, i.e. work on and defence of the diploma thesis, takes place at the home universities. Graduates succeed in firms as specialists in the field of finance and accounting, in financial institutions and the banking sector.
Application deadline: 30. 5. 2008.
Entry requirements:
More info available at:
Jaroslava Holečková
Vice-Dean for International Relations, F1
Economics of International Trade and European Integration is a M. A. programme of a Joint degree type of the Faculty of International Relations. It is conducted in cooperation with seven partner universities. The extent of the study is 60 ECTS. The programme is focused particularly on issues of economic theory, economic mathematics and econometrics, European economic integration and foreign language education. Students spend their first term either at the Staffordshire University, U. K. or at the Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France, the second term takes place at the Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium and the final term at the University of Economics, Prague. Classes are run by teachers from all partner universities. Graduates succeed particularly in European institutions and international companies. The programme is supported by the European Union in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus programme.
Application deadline: 18. 4. 2008.
Entry requirements:
More info available at:
Anna Klosová
Academic director of the programme
International Management is an M. A. programme organised by the Faculty of Business Administration aimed especially at B. A. graduates with a superb knowledge of English and an interest in the international business environment. It is a Joint degree programme of the CEMS network (Community of European Management Schools and International Companies) which comprises 17 prestigious universities and 50 large multinational companies. Within the programme students spend one semester at a partner university from the CEMS network. Programme graduates succeed in internationally oriented firms, in the management of advisory international companies, as well as in the management of international teams.
The application deadline was 14. 2. 2008. The admission procedure consists of three rounds.
More info available:
Helena Sedláčková
Academic Director of the programme