Rector of the University of Economics, Prague, successful in TOP Women of the Czech Republic for the third time

23 Jan

On 23 January, 2018, the results of the 12th year of the annual TOP Women of the Czech Republic poll were announced. One of those honored in the women of the Czech public sphere category was Prof. Hana Machková, the Rector of the University of Economics, Prague.

“I’m glad to be nominated among the 25 women who have been successful in public administration for the third time in a row. But it is not only my personal success, it is the success of the University of Economics, Prague which has a great reputation not only in the Czech Republic but in the world too”, said Prof. Machková when speaking about her placing in the contest.

This year several hundred women were nominated for the poll. The nominations could be made by members of the public, individual companies, or by the appointed members of the jury.

The jury had selected 25 of the most successful women from the world of Czech show business, and 25 of the most successful women in Czech public life. The jury itself consisted of 18 members. Among these were such personalities as Michael Žantovský, the director of the Václav Havel Library and Magdalena Souček, Managing Partner of EY for Central and Southeastern Europe.

The main criteria for evaluating the top women of the year were as follows: whether they had been employed in their position at least from 1 January to 1 September of the relevant year, the amount of influence which they exert upon public life in the country, the amount of success achieved in the nominee‘s field of activity, and if her activities spill over the boundaries of the institution in which she is engaged. Other factors which were taken into account included the significance of the nominee’s institution, her influence on the functioning of the institution, it’s achievements reached during the candidate’s managerial involvement as well as the candidate’s attitude towards social accountability.

The list of women honored in the public sphere category you can find here

For more info about TOP Women of the Czech Republic, please see: