President Václav Klaus to the Future of the EURO

19 Nov

A public expert debate on the EURO will take place on 24 November 2010, at the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration. Among the discussants will be Mr. V. Klaus, the Vice-Governor of the Czech National Bank Mr. M. Hampl, the Slovak Minister of Finance Mr. I. Mikloš and the Dean Mr. M. Ševčík.

On Wednesday 24 November 2010 at 2:30 p.m., in room No. RB 101, the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration of the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) organizes a session of the Scientific Council, part of which will also be an expert debate called "The EURO through the Eyes of a Statesman, Central Banker, Minister of Finance and Economist". The session of the Scientific Council is public and teachers, as well as students of the VŠE may participate.

All discussants are regular members of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration.

Prof. Ing. Václav Klaus, CSc. is the President of the Czech Republic. He graduated at the VŠE, the Faculty of Business, in Economics of International Trade. As a researcher of the Economic Department of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences he received the degree of Doctor of Economic Science, habilitated as Associate Professor in Economics at the Charles University, Prague, and in 1995 he was appointed Professor in Finance at the University of Economics, Prague.

Ing. Mojmír Hampl, Ph.D. is the Vice-Governor of the Czech National Bank. He graduated at the VŠE, the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, where he also defended his dissertation thesis. As the Chevening Scholar he accomplished a postgraduate degree in Economics at the University of Surrey, Great Britain, and graduated as Master of Science. In 2006 he was nominated as a member of the Council of the Czech National Bank and since 2008 he is the Vice-Governor.

Ing. Ivan Mikloš is the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Minister of Finance. He graduated at the University of Economics, Bratislava, the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, where he also taught. In 1998-2002 he was the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Slovak Republic for the Economy, in 2002-2006 the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government and the Minister of Finance, in 2006-2010 he served as the Member of Parliament and he was a member of the Committee of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on Finance and Budget.

Doc. Ing. Miroslav Ševčík, CSc. is the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration of the VŠE. He graduated at the VŠE, the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration. He belongs to recognized and publicly known economists. He heads the Department of Economic and Social Policy and he is the Director of the Liberal Institute.