
Limited services and opening hours at VŠE

Due to extraordinary measures valid from March 11, 2020 until further notice, the services are limited at VŠE as follow: Žižkov and Jižní Město campuses From May 19, 2020, the normal opening hours of buildings (including Jižní Město) apply according to the directive: https://www.vse.cz/predpisy/ochrana-a-ostraha-majetku-vse-v-praze/ The registry (podatelna) is open from 7:30 to 19:30 Informatics Centre: […]

Limited services and opening hours at VŠE

Vote for best photo of online exhibition of students‘ photos

VŠE International Office presents an Online exhibition of students‘ photos from the Photo Contest 2019, which will be available until May 31, 2020. The Online exhibition contains VŠE students’ photos from their studies and internships abroad in the previous academic year. You may vote for the best photo of the online exhibition. Three voters will be awarded […]

Vote for best photo of online exhibition of students‘ photos

Academic Psychological Counselling available online

Due to extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, which with effect from March 11, 2020 forbids the personal presence of students in classes, the Academic Psychological Counselling will be provided online. More information and instruction can be found HERE. The sessions will take place on ZOOM.

Academic Psychological Counselling available online

International degree programmes were presented during Open House Day

The Open House Day of International Degree Programmes took place on Wednesday, March 4, at the University of Economics, Prague. During the first part, the coordinators presented four bachelor programmes, in the second part eight master programmes. Thank you all for your interest

International degree programmes were presented during Open House Day

VŠE scores in QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020

The University of Economics, Prague scored in the prestigious international ranking of universities of the British company Quacquarelli Symonds QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020 in two fields of the area of education Social science and management. In the field of Economics and Econometrics it ranked 201 – 250 and in the field of […]

VŠE scores in QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak: VŠE preventive measures and recommendations

In connection with the spread of coronavirus infection, the University of Economics, Prague adopted number of preventive measures to minimize the possible risk of transmission. VŠE is closely monitoring the situation and since January it is cooperating with the Hygienic Authority of the City of Prague (HS) and is following its regulations. VŠE has adopted […]

Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak: VŠE preventive measures and recommendations

Faculty of Business Administration has became strategic partner of ZHAW Zurich University

On February 24, 2020, representatives of the Faculty of Business Administration signed an agreement about strategic partnership with the ZHAW University Zurich, School of Management and Law. The Faculty of Business Administration has became one of eight worldwide universities that are strategic partners of the Swiss university. At this time, the programme MBA for Student […]

Faculty of Business Administration has became strategic partner of ZHAW Zurich University

Dutch sociologist and honorary doctorate of University of Economics, Prague Geert Hofstede passed away

On February 12, 2020, Geert Hofstede, a Dutch sociologist and psychologist, passed away at the age of 91. He was examining the differences and interactions between different national and organizational cultures. The professor Geert Hofstede was the world’s leading expert in organizational anthropology and intercultural management. Its identification of the five basic cultural dimensions is […]

Dutch sociologist and honorary doctorate of University of Economics, Prague Geert Hofstede passed away

Vladislav Bína was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Management

Vladislav Bína was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Management by the Rector Prof. Hana Machková. His second term of office lasts from February 1, 2020 until January 31, 2024. Congratulations! On December 11, 2019, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Management elected doc. Ing. Vladislav Bína, Ph.D. as the Dean of the […]

Vladislav Bína was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of Management

Josef Taušer was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations

Josef Taušer was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations by the Rector Prof. Hana Machková. His second term of office lasts from February 1, 2020 until January 31, 2024. Congratulations! In November 2019, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of International Relations elected doc. Ing. Josef Taušer, Ph.D. as the Dean of […]

Josef Taušer was appointed the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations