
Jan Fischer received Prize of President of Czech Statistical Office

The traditional Prize of the President of the Czech Statistical Office was awarded during the Celebrations of 100 years of modern Czech statistics to Mr. Jan Fischer. Jan Fischer is former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and former President of the Czech Statistical Office. Nowadays he is teaching one of the keynote course in […]

Jan Fischer received Prize of President of Czech Statistical Office

MOS student visited European Statistical Week in Eurostat

Danice, a student of the Master in Official Statistics was chosen to participate at the European Statistical Week in Eurostat, Luxembourg. This training week is for European statisticians to provide them the opportunity to participate in international training courses, workshops and seminars and also to give them the opportunity to visit departments for job shadowing […]

MOS student visited European Statistical Week in Eurostat

EIASM Academic Council Meeting 2019

The 2019 EIASM Academic Council meeting held on September 23 – 24 in Prague, hosted by VŠE, University of Economics, Prague. The annual meeting of the EIASM Academic Council was an opportunity to bring representatives of the EIASM Member Schools and Universities together to share and develop key issues of relevance to advanced studies in […]

EIASM Academic Council Meeting 2019

Graduation ceremony of the French-Czech double degree program MBA

French-Czech Institute of Management (IFTG) was founded in 1990. Its mission is to support development of the French-Czech cooperation in the field of management education. MBA program Master Management et Administration des Entreprises is the double degree program of  the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3, iaelyon School of Management and the University of Economics, Prague. […]

Graduation ceremony of the French-Czech double degree program MBA

CEMS Block Seminar with Plzeňský Prazdroj

The academic year 2019/2020 for the new CEMS class at the University of Economics, Prague has been kicked-off with the Block Seminar, which was held on September 2 – 6, 2019. The Block Seminar is a compulsory part of the CEMS MIM curriculum. An attractive topic “Managing Consumer Experience in Pubs and Restaurants through Digital […]

CEMS Block Seminar with Plzeňský Prazdroj

University of Economics, Prague is successfully continuing in accreditation process of AACSB International

The University of Economics, Prague is successfully continuing in its long-term accreditation process of AACSB International, which continues to be one of the main goals of the University’s management. Throughout 2018, close collaboration with mentor Prof. Stephanie Morgan, appointed by AACSB, resulted in the sending out of the Initial Self Evaluation Report (iSER). In September […]

University of Economics, Prague is successfully continuing in accreditation process of AACSB International

Faculty of Business Administration and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics signed double-degree programme agreement

On Friday, August 23, 2019, a meeting of representatives of the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Economics, Prague, and the Faculty of Management of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics took place in Moscow. The aim of the meeting was to conclude an agreement on a double-degree programme between both institutions. Students […]

Faculty of Business Administration and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics signed double-degree programme agreement

Appointment of Vice-Rector prof. Musílek to Presidium of Public Audit Oversight Board

Prof. Petr Musílek was appointed to the Presidium of the Public Audit Oversight Board (PAOB) with effect from 1. 8. 2019 for six years, based on his expertise in securities public markets. The main task of the PAOB is to perform public oversight of the performance of auditing activities and activities of the Chamber of […]

Appointment of Vice-Rector prof. Musílek to Presidium of Public Audit Oversight Board

Two VŠE students received the Fulbright Scholarship

Two students were very successful in a tough competition and won the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship for study and research in the USA. Simona Spisarová, a student of a Doctoral degree, was the first who received the scholarship. Simona is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Business and European Law at the Faculty of International […]

Two VŠE students received the Fulbright Scholarship

Faculty of Business Administration hosted first summer school of this year

From June 13th to 21st the first summer school of this year named “Design for the Business of Change” took place at the Faculty of Business Administration. The summer school was led by skilled professionals from the field of social anthropology Jeffrey Schonberg, a lecturer in the Department of Anthropology at San Francisco State University […]

Faculty of Business Administration hosted first summer school of this year