
Academic year 2017/18

During the academic year 2017/18, the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) has continued doing its various successful projects. At the same time new partnerships with universities abroad were established and VŠE or its faculties placed in several international rankings. It has strengthened its name in the international academic environment. Moreover, VŠE has made another important […]

Academic year 2017/18

Graduation ceremony

This year the graduation ceremony of the International Degree Programmes of the University of Economics, Prague will take place on Friday, June 29th, 2018 in Vencovskeho auditorium.

Graduation ceremony

The 8th Prague International Week at VŠE

The 8th annual Prague International Week is taking place at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE). This staff training is aimed mainly at coordinators from International Offices from partner universities and its main focus is to share their experience with different aspects of internationalisation, especially student and teacher exchanges.

The 8th Prague International Week at VŠE

Welcome Weekend for Degree Students

We hope that you are just as excited to be at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) as we are to have you.

Welcome Weekend for Degree Students

The International Advisory Board of VŠE meeting

The meeting of the International Advisory Board of the University of Economics, Prague took place on Monday, June 4, 2018. Its members discussed the Self Evaluation Report of VŠE, which is one of the next steps in the accreditation process of AACSB International.

The International Advisory Board of VŠE meeting

International conference INFORUM 2018

The 24th INFORUM conference takes place at VŠE today and tomorrow. INFORUM has become one of the most important events of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. It covers topics related to electronic information resources and its professional use in science, research, education and business.

International conference INFORUM 2018

CEMS Business Projects 2018 Final Presentations

On Friday, May 18, 2018, International Management/CEMS students, corporate partners and academic tutors gathered at the University of Economics, Prague to present the results of their Business Projects. Each students’ presentation was followed by comments from the corporate representative and the tutor, fellow students asked many questions.

CEMS Business Projects 2018 Final Presentations

Students discussed with Commissioner Věra Jourová

On Thursday, 10 May 2018, students of the University of Economics, Prague had an opportunity to join a discussion with Commissioner Věra Jourová on The fake news phenomenon and data leaks from social networks. The central topic of the debate was the level of personal data protection and privacy and its current – rather neglected […]

16.5.2018: Evacuation of Žižkov and Jižní Město campus – update

EVACUATION: Due to the announced bomb in ŽIŽKOV and JIŽNÍ MĚSTO campus, please leave the University.

Summer schools at VŠE

This summer the International Office of the University of Economics, Prague, organises two summer schools. Another summer school is organised within the CESP programme and two summer schools for international students led by the Faculty of International Relations also take place this summer at VŠE.