
University celebrated 20 Years of CEMS at VŠE

On Thursday, April 19, 2018, a celebration of „20 Years of CEMS at VŠE“ took place on the premises of the University of Economics, Prague. The official program started in the early afternoon with various sessions dedicated to Corporate Partners, Alumni, current students, as well as the prospective ones. Moreover, a CEMS stand where CEMS […]

MBA studies at the University of Economics, Prague

For those interested in earning the professional degree, MBA (Master of Business administration), the University of Economics, Prague, is offering, in the academic year 2018/2019, following MBA study programmes.

20 Years of CEMS at VŠE

VŠE is celebrating 20 years as a CEMS Alliance member. Moreover, CEMS Alliance celebrates its 30th anniversary. We find the anniversary as the right opportunity for an interview with the Vice-Rector of International Relations and Information Systems of VŠE prof. Jiří Hnilica.

Prof. Ivan Nový re-elected as the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration

The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Business Administration has elected Prof. Ivan Nový as the Dean for the next term of office, starting on 1st July 2018 and finishing on 30th June 2022.

Rector’s Sports Day 2018

On Wednesday, 18th of April, the Rector’s Sports Day will take place. This day, filled with sports activities for both students and employees of the University of Economics, Prague, has been organized by the Center for Sports and Physical Education. Those interested in participating can sign up with the individual sports event coordinators.

The Faculty of Economics has elected a new Dean

The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics has elected Prof. Zdeněk Chytil as the new dean on 5th April of 2018. He will succeed Miroslav Ševčík in the role, who’s acting period will be finished after 30th June of 2018. Four candidates had entered the elections overall.

Doctoral Studies at VŠE

The University of Economics, Prague offers 15 branches in 8 doctoral study programmes, most of which are carried out in English as well. There are two modes of study: full-time or a combination of full-time and part-time (combined studies).

4 questions for the Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting

The Academic Senate elected Ladislav Mejzlík Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting for 2018-2022. The former and future Dean starts his second term on April 1. On this occasion we ask him several questions, for example, what he would highlight from his previous term, what awaits him now and who made a cake […]

Master in Management (MIMG)

MIMG is a two-year English-taught Master´s Degree Programme available at the Faculty of Business Administration (FBA) of the University of Economics, Prague. The objective of MIMG is to inspire and to educate analytically and socially responsible minded business professionals with a broad economic overview and a focus on business management.

4 questions about EPAS for the Dean of FIR

The Faculty of International Relations successfully defended international accreditation EPAS for two master’s degree programmes few days ago. This time for the period of 5 years. What is EPAS accreditation? What is it like to be a part of the elite club of only eight universities worldwide? How difficult is to defend the accreditation? We […]