
Honoris Causa Title for Professor Hans-Werner Sinn

On the 23rd of February, Professor Hans-Werner Sinn, an internationally renowned scientist in the field of Macroeconomics and Economic Policy, will receive the honorary degree Doctor oeconomiae honoris causa from the Rector of the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) professor Hana Machková.

Master in Information Systems Management (ISM)

ISM is a two-year English-taught master´s degree programme available at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics (FIS) of VŠE. The study programme is for anyone aiming at a career as an IT manager, project manager, information system auditor, knowledge engineer, business analyst or consultant, either in the private or the public sector.

Master of Economics of Globalization and European Integration – EGEI

The full-time Master of Arts (M. A.) in Economics of Globalization and European Integration is an academic program developing competence for European economists with career aspirations in research at universities, government and international organizations, and in research departments of large banks and industrial and commercial corporations.

Master in International and Diplomatic Studies

The Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics, Prague offers a two-year International and Diplomatic Studies (IDS) master’s degree program taught in English.

University of Economics, Prague Hosted the CAMBAS meeting

Significant changes were approved on 24th January, 2017 at the meeting of the Czech Association of MBA Schools (CAMBAS), which was hosted by the University of Economics, Prague. The Rector of the Škoda Auto University, Pavel Mertlík, and the CEO of the Brno International Business School, Martin Novák, have recently become members of the CAMBAS […]

Orientation Week for international students

Orientation Week (shortly Oweek), which takes place from February 6th till February 12th 2017, is organized for all international incoming students during one week prior beginning of each semester. Generally, students get familiar with the University, city and culture. They gain necessary information for their start at the University of Economics, Prague and in the […]

International Week at the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics

Following the example of many European universities, the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics (FIS), University of Economics, in Prague, is organizing an international week of mobility which takes place from 23 to 26 January, 2017.

Rector of the University of Economics, Prague, successful in TOP Women of the Czech Republic for the second time

On 23rd January, 2017, the results of 12th year of the annual TOP Women of the Czech Republic poll had been announced. One of those honored in the women of the Czech public sphere category was Prof. Hana Machková, the Rector of the University of Economics, Prague.

Master of International Business – Central European Business Realities

One of the first master´s degree programs taught in English at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) is the Master of International Business – Central European Business Realities program (IB).

Bachelor of Economics

Faculty of Economics offers a Bachelor program Economics, which is entirely taught in English. We can offer very interesting program in diverse space; currently we do have students from more than 20 countries in it.