
Orientation Week for international students

Orientation Week (shortly Oweek), which takes place from 12th to 18th September 2016, is organised for all international incoming students during one week prior beginning of each semester. Generally, students get familiar with the University, city and culture. They gain necessary information for their start at the University of Economics, Prague and in the Czech […]

VŠE in cooperation with Google Czech Republic launches education portal for exporters

The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE), in cooperation with Google Czech Republic and other partners, is launching a beta-version of the ExportGuru.cz portal. The aim of this portal is to present the main areas of exporting to both novice and mildly experienced exporters. The patrons of the project are the Director of Google Czech Republic, […]

Czech Students have Delivered a Unique piece of Equipment for CERN

The Company Nuledo s.r.o., founded in 2015 by Valery Mezentsev; a student of the Faculty of Business Administration at University of Economics, Prague; together with his colleague, Ondřej Zbytek, from the Czech Technical University (ČVUT), have been enjoying extraordinary success with their efforts. The company’s goal was to become a world leader in providing the […]

Academic Year 2015/2016

During the academic year 2015/2016, the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) has launched a lot of new projects. In January 2016, the first year of the Fair of Prague’s Public Universities took place at VŠE. Over 3,500 secondary school students visited the fair. The xPORT VŠE Business Accelerator organized the zero year of its Startup […]

The very first separate graduation ceremony of International Bachelor’s Degree Programmes of the University of Economics, Prague

The very first separate graduation ceremony of the International Bachelor’s Degree Programmes of the University of Economics, Prague took place on Friday, 24th June, 2016 in Vencovskeho auditorium.

The prestige of VŠE scientific journals increases

Recently published rankings of the impact factor (IF) for 2015, according to JCR Social Sciences; and which were included in the Web of Knowledge; represent a significant achievement for the scientific journals Political Economy and Prague Economic Papers, which are published by the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE).

CEMS Student Succeeded in Global Business Leaders: Business Case Challenge 2016

Ahmad Miari, CEMS/International Student at the Faculty of Business Administration, who is currently proceeding his term abroad at the CEMS partner university in Japan – KEIO, won the “Audi’s Global Business Leaders: Business Case Challenge, 2016” held at the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan between June 10 – 12, 2016. Ahmad was a member of the winning team KEIO together […]

Workshop DYME 2016 will take place at VŠE

The Workshop DYME 2016, which will take place on Friday, June 17, 2016 at the University of Economics (VŠE) is the fourth meeting of members and associates of the joint project of excellence “Dynamic Models in Economics”.

Prague International Week 2016

6th annual Prague International Week – staff training for partner universities, will take place on June 13th -17th 2016 at the University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic. This training is aimed mainly at coordinators from International Offices – its main focus will be different aspects of internationalization, especially student and teaching exchanges.

VŠE awarded an honorary doctorate to Professor M. Hashem Pesaran

On Friday, 20th May, 2016, the British economist, M. Hashem Pesaran, was conferred with the honorary degree of “Doctor Oeconomiae Honoris Causa” from the Rector of the University of Economics (VŠE), prof. Ing. Hana Machková, CSc.