
Summer Schools at VŠE

This summer, International Office of the University of Economics, Prague, organizes two summer schools. Another summer school is organized within the CESP program and two summer schools for international students led by the Faculty of International relations also take place this summer at VŠE.

CEMS Business Projects 2016 Final Presentations

On Friday, May 20, 2016 International Management/CEMS students and tutors at the University of Economics, Prague and corporate partners gathered to present the results of their Business Projects. Each student presentation was followed by evaluatuon and comments from the corporate representative and the tutor. Fellow students asked many questions and contributed to an inspiring discussion. […]

VŠE & Bel Sýry Česko, a.s. Have Concluded an Agreement on Cooperation

The Bel Sýry Česko, a.s. Executive Director for the CEE Region, Mr. Boyan Neytchev, and the Rector of the University of Economics (VŠE), Prof. Hana Machková, have signed today in the presence of the French Ambassador to the Czech Republic, H.E. Mr. Jean-Pierre Asvazadourian, an agreement on cooperation. The main aim of the partnership is […]

20th International Conference of Young Scholars in Prague

On Thursday and Friday, 26th and 27th May 2016, the University of Economics, Prague will host the 20th International Conference of Young Scholars (http://icys.vse.cz/). The theme of this year’s conference is titled: “The Shifting Balances of International Relations?”

Honoris Causa Title for Professor M. Hashem Pesaran

On the 20th of May, Professor M. Hashem Pesaran, a leading world expert in econometrics, will receive the honorary degree Doctor oeconomiae honoris causa from the rector of the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) professor Hana Machková. At this occassion Prof. Pesaran will give a short lecture called „Oil, Middle East and the Global Economy“.

Zero Year of the Startup Festival will take place at the VŠE

On Wednesday, 11th May, 2016, a festival of promising business projects will take place at the University of Economics, Prague (the VŠE). The event, which is called the Startup Festival is organised by the xPORT Business Accelerator.

8. 5. 2016: Soccer day

ESN VSE Prague in cooperation with the Organization for Refugees invites you to the fifth annual Soccer Day, which takes place on May 8th in the sports campus near Jarov dormitories.

Representative of VŠE Prague Elected as a Steering Committee Member of PRME CEE

The PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education by UN Global Compact) Chapter Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) held its 1st PRME Regional Meeting CEE on 18 – 19 April 2016 at RISEBA University in Latvia. During this meeting, 56 delegates from 19 PRME signatory business and management schools across Central and Eastern Europe came together […]

Rector’s Sports Day at VŠE in 2016

In the Wednesday, 20th April, 2016, the annual Rector’s Sports Day was held at the University of Economics, Prague. The program was full of sports activities for students and University employees, as well as giving participants the opportunity to learn more about sport directly from qualified professionals.

Central and East European Studies Program and Summer University

The Central and East European Studies Program (CESP) is a free mover program for students at the graduate and undergraduate levels offered at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE). CESP was founded in 1992 as an optional one or two semester program held in English. The program focuses on issues in Central and East European […]