
International Fair 2014 at VŠE

On Tuesday 2 December, 2014 the First International Fair was organized by the International Office. Students had a chance to get more information about studying abroad at all the partner universities of the University of Economics, Prague.

FT European Business School Ranking 2014

In December, the Financial Times published its results of the ranking of European business universities. This year, the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) achieved 77th position among the most prestigious business schools in Europe.

VŠE CDS helps more Students and Graduates

The University of Economics, Prague has offered adapted rooms, conditions for entrance exams and job opportunities to disabled students since 2007. This year, the Center for Disabled Students (CDS) at VŠE is supporting 32 students with special education needs. Thank to CDS, all students with visual, auditory, physical and other disabilities can effectively navigate the […]

CEMS students won BCG Strategy Cup

On Friday, November 14, 2014 a team of four students of the CEMS Programme Sabina Kabusheva, Tomáš Kalenda, Martin Žák and Karel Kotoun – named SPITFIRE, participated in the competition BCG Strategy Cup organized by Boston Consulting Group. Among a fierce competition of 38 teams coming from various academic programmes and universities such as IES, […]

CEMS Annual Events 2014 in Brussels

The Networking Event of the Year, CEMS Annual Events 2014, will take place on November 27 – 29, 2014 in Brussels. The Annual Events are organized on a rotating basis by 29 member schools. This year the 26th CEMS Annual Events will be hosted by Belgian Louvain School of Management.

IDS Students Launch an International Relations Magazine

Students of the International and Diplomatic Studies Master’s Program (IDS) have launched an online IDS Magazine. The magazine aims to publish grassroot analyses providing original thought on international relations. 

The Faculty of Management celebrates 20 years

The Faculty of Management (FM) in Jindřichův Hradec celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. On this occasion, the FM has organized a celebratory assembly, which will take place on Tuesday, 18 November at 15:00 in the FM auditorium in Jindřichův Hradec.

The Prime Minister of Croatia has visited VŠE

On 11 November, the prime minister of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, visited the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE). He gave a lecture focused on “Central and Eastern Europe 25 Years After” and he also held a question and answer session with students.

Conference of VŠE and Korean Embassy

On Thursday 13 November the conference related to 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in the Czech Republic „25 Years after the Fall of Communism in the Czech Republic and its Implications for the Korean Peninsula“ took place at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE). The conference was organized by the Korean Embassy in […]

Alumni Wednesdays at VŠE

The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) is launching a new project for graduates called Alumni Wednesdays. All faculties of VŠE located in Prague will take part in this project and they will offer a series of professional lectures on interesting topics. The lectures will always be held on Wednesdays from 18:00-19:30. The lectures are free. […]