
4th Annual IB Alumni Club Meeting

Annual IB Alumni Club meeting was held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of VSE on Saturday, 23. 11. 2013.

Successful Cooperation between VŠE and Škoda Auto, a.s.

On Wednesday, 20 November 2013, in the premises of Škoda Auto in Mladá Boleslav, VŠE’s President Prof. Richard Hindls and Škoda’s Chairman of the Board of Management Prof. Winfried Vahland signed an agreement on partnership and cooperation for another three years.

Partner Universities Days and the Exchange student’s photo exhibition

Several events promoting the possibilities of studying abroad will take place From Tuesday 19th November to Friday 29th at VŠE. University visitors may look forward to the Exchange student´s photo exhibition organized by the International Office as well as to the Partner Universities Days. Information stand of the International Office will be prepared for students […]

40th anniversary of the international organization PIM

PIM (Partnership in International Management) was one of the first international networks of management universities. It was founded in 1973 by three prestigious universities: HEC Paris, New York University – Stern School of Business and London Business School. Today PIM has 60 members from 37 countries around the world. VSE has been an active member […]

Autumn cultural and sport events

VSE strives to create a friendly environment for students not only for studying, but also for extracurricular activities. During the winter semester it offers to its students and academics opportunity to visit a great number of cultural as well as sport events.

CEMS Day 2013

On Wednesday, October 23 from 12:00 till 19:30 there will be the CEMS Day held at Rajská budova. This event is open to all, who are interested in International Management (CEMS MIM) Programme taught in English and who also want to know more about CEMS network. CEMS is the global strategic aliance of 28 business […]

The University of Economics, Prague was awarded the second best university in Central and Eastern Europe

The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) took second best place in the annual international ranking of Eduniversal. Since 2008, Eduniversal has been ranking 1000 business schools and universities from 154 countries, which are divided into nine geographic world regions. The award ceremony took place in Bangalore, the capital of the Indian state Karnataka, on 10 […]

VŠE Ball 2013 annual gala event. Tickets sale only 14th – 18th October

University of Economics in Prague invites you to attend the Representative Ball, which will be held to celebrate the anniversary “60 YEARS of VŠE”. It will take place on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 in Prague’s Lucerna grand hall.  You can look forward to a rich program, 3 halls, 3500 people, and a lot of fun, […]

Folkloric Ballet Company from Chile at the UEP

On the 26th of September a crowded Vencovsky auditorium appreciated a performance of Folkloric Ballet Company BAFOCHI with standing ovation. This event was organized by CLAS (Center for Latin American Studies) of the Faculty of Economics in cooperation with the Embassy of Chile.

Workshop with the Director of the Department of Economic Analyses of the World Economic Forum

On the 27th of September, 2013 Department of International Trade of the Faculty of International Relations organized a workshop on „Global Competitiveness“. The main speaker was Ms. Margareta Drzeniek Hanouz, who is co-author of „Global Competitiveness Report“.