
VSE representatives attended the 4th year of CZEDUCON conference

Experts in international higher education gathered on 21st and 22nd of November, 2022 in Prague’s O2 Universum for the CZEDUCON conference, held by the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS) for the 4th time already. This time it was co-held with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic (MŠMT) as part […]

VSE representatives attended the 4th year of CZEDUCON conference

prof. Ing. Vojtěch Krebs, CSc. received the Commemorative Medal of the Prague University of Economics and Business

On Tuesday, November 15th, Prof. Ing. Vojtěch Krebs, CSc. was awarded the Commemorative Medal of the Prague University of Economics and Business. “There are three things in particular that are important to everyone in their jobs. To be happy at work. To have good results. And to have excellent co-workers. I was very lucky that […]

prof. Ing. Vojtěch Krebs, CSc. received the Commemorative Medal of the Prague University of Economics and Business

Teaching Innovation Week 2022

The first Innovation in Teaching Week took place at the VŠE, during which over a hundred lectures and workshops were held at our university. It started on Monday with a lecture by the Japanese ambassador, which was very well attended. And the students were also satisfied with other events and excursions. Feedback surveys are currently […]

Teaching Innovation Week 2022

Prague University of Economics and Business defended position of the best business school in the Eastern European region in the Eduniversal 2022 Ranking

The announcement of the Eduniversal Best Business School Ranking took place on November 1st, 2022 in Cairo. For the first time in the Eastern European region, five universities took the top three places. Prague University of Economics and Business shares the first place with the University of Ljubljana, the second place belongs to the Warsaw […]

Prague University of Economics and Business defended position of the best business school in the Eastern European region in the Eduniversal 2022 Ranking

Counsellors visit at VŠE

During these days (31.10.-11.1.2022) Study in Prague consortium is hosting a group of 23 high school counsellors from British and American high schools from 14 different countries. We welcomed the group at VŠE on Monday (October 31st, 2022) afternoon. The programme began with lunch, during which counsellors were joined by English-taught programme directors and coordinators. […]

Counsellors visit at VŠE

Medal for heroism in memoriam for a student Marek Frauwitrh

On Friday, 28 October, the President of the Republic awarded the Medal for Heroism to Ing. Mark Frauwirth, who was a student of the university, which today’s Prague University of Economics and Business refers to. The Prague University of Economics and Busieness will keep the medal safe. Marek Frauwirth was a Slovak Jew and activist […]

Medal for heroism in memoriam for a student Marek Frauwitrh

Representatives from the Estonian National Agency and Estonian Universities visited VSE

On Monday October 24th VSE welcomed representatives from the Estonian National Agency and several Estonian Universities who joined a study trip organizes by the Czech National Agency DZS. The main topic was PR and promotion of Erasmus+ program.  VSE International Office presented its activities focused on increasing the awareness of exchange possibilities and motivation to study abroad among VSE students. […]

Representatives from the Estonian National Agency and Estonian Universities visited VSE

Startup Night on Wednesday 26 October 2022

STARTUP NIGHT IS BACK! The biggest student business networking event in the Czech Republic is here again, and we want you to be a part of it. Come to meet young, ambitious people with exciting ideas from more than 30 countries worldwide. The top Prague universities have teamed up to create the biggest student business […]

Startup Night on Wednesday 26 October 2022

Meeting of the International Advisory Board

On October 10, 2022, the International Advisory Board (IAB), the Rector’s international advisory body, met at the University of Economics and Business in Prague. The IAB meets once a year and addresses strategic issues related to the development of the University. During the covid-19 pandemic, the IAB was held online; this year’s meeting was a […]

Meeting of the International Advisory Board