
Gathering of graduates of IFTG at the French Embassy

On the 7th September, a graduation ceremony of the 21st year of MBA program – Master Management et Administration des Entreprises – was held on the grounds of University of Economics in Prague. The graduation was attended by University Rector, Ambassador of the French Republic and the Dean of IAE Lyon. In the evening, a […]

The CEMS Global Alliance Awarded in Financial Times Master’s in Management Ranking 2012

Repeated success of the CEMS Master’s in International Management in Financial Times Ranking confirms its status as the most internationalized programme in management worldwide.

Erasmus Intensive Language Course (EILC)

University of Economics, Prague is proud to have an opportunity to organize Erasmus Intensive Language Course in summer 2012. To be able to do so, our university applied for grant thru National Agency (NAEP). This year we were selected to run two courses.

Academic Year 2011/2012

For the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE), academic year 2011/2012 was very successful. VŠE is one of the most important education institutions in the Czech Republic. It is well respected partner institution in the field of international cooperation as well. The university hosted many conferences, scientific seminars too. In addition, many social, cultural and sports […]

Erasmus Mundus ? Success of the EGEI Programme

EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) published selection results of the 2012 Erasmus Mundus Programme Call for Proposals on July 20, 2012. The Agency has received 177 proposals under Action 1A – Erasmus Mundus Master Courses – out of which 30 were selected for funding. VŠE is the member of consortium led by the […]

New Scientific Peer-Reviewed Journal by VŠE: Central European Business Review (CEBR)

The Faculty of Business Administration at the University of Economics, Prague is launching a new scientific peer-reviewed journal – Central European Business Review (CEBR) today.

VŠE and L´Oréal extended Cooperation Agreement

Mr. Laurent Boukobza, CEO for the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, and prof. Hindls, President of the University of Economics, Prague signed the Cooperation Agreement for the academic year 2012/2013.

VŠE and IBM establish New Competence Centre: Students´ Opportunity in Smarter Commerce

The University of Economics, Prague and IBM Czech Republic are going to establish a new competence centre. The cooperation has been officially confirmed by a memorandum signed last week by Vladek Šlezingr, CEO IBM Czech Republic, and Luboš Marek, the dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics.

Charles University and VŠE host scientific congress of environmental economists

Charles University in cooperation with the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) organize 19th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Centre.

Centre for Handicapped Students at VŠE

The University of Economics, Prague continues to improve access to study opportunities for a diverse group of students. The Centre for Handicapped Students at VŠE, in particular, works with those students with physical or learning disabilities in order to integrate them fully into the teaching programs; there are currently nearly 30 students working with the […]