
The University of Economics, Prague was declared the “1st Business School in Eastern Europe”

The University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) was awarded as the best business school in Central and Eastern Europe for the fourth year in a row. In the Eduniversal ranking, the university received the highest number of palms – five – which symbolizes the development of its internationalization.

ŠANCE Job Fair

The Job Fair will take place on November 18th and 19th, 2011 in the Rajská building‘s atrium. More than 40 companies are registered to meet talented students and alumni of the University of Economics, Prague.

CEMS remains on podium of Financial Times Master’s in Management ranking

Today’s global result sees the CEMS Master’s in International Management first in the 3-year ranking and improved performances in 8 categories.

CEMS block seminar at the University of Economics, Prague

An intensive CEMS block seminar took place at the University of Economics, Prague from 5th to 9th September. This seminar is a part of CEMS MIM study program, which is traditionally amongst the highest rated programs in the Financial Times ranking.

French Week at VŠE

During one week there has been an intensive course for Paris Sorbonne University students at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE), more than 1 000 teachers of French language have met at the European Congress and IFTG graduates meet at the French embassy in the Czech Republic.

New Director of Development and Counselling Centre

With the effect from September 1, 2011, the new director of Development and Counselling Centre, Jiří Knap, has been appointed to his function by the President of VŠE, prof. Richard Hindls. The main goal of the Center is to develop cooperation with business and to promote job offers among students and alumni.

Erste Group Summer University in Prague

From July 23 till July 27, 2011, the University of Economics, Prague had the honor to host the Erste Group Summer University Danubia 2011. It is a summer university organized by eight partner schools (University of Economics, Prague; Economic University in Bratislava; Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest; University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics; Graduate School […]

Prague Economic Papers received its first Journal Impact Factor

On June 28, 2011, Thomson Reuters announced the release of the 2010 Journal Citation Reports®. Prague Economic Papers, the scientific journal published by the University of Economics Prague, received its first Journal Impact Factor of value 0,390.

Academic Year 2010/2011 at VŠE

In academic year 2010/2011, the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) continued in strengthening its important position among universities both in the Czech Republic and internationally. Apart from education, science and research, the school hosted also number of social, cultural and sport events.

Summer school at the University of Economics, Prague

Five summer schools and one seminar will take place at the University of Economics, Prague this summer. They are organized by the International Studies Centre, Central and East European Studies Program and L’Institut Franco-Tchèque de Gestion.