
The OECD turns 50 – An Exhibition at the University of Economics, Prague

Our university is not just a place to study but it is also a place for cultural events. The University of Economics, Prague – in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic – opened the OECD turns 50 exhibition in the atrium of the Paradise Building on 30 May 2011.

Prague International Week

From May 9 till May 13, 2011 the International Studies Centre of the University of Economics, Prague organized staff training for colleagues from partner universities. The event was held at VŠE for the first time. We welcomed 11 representatives, in total, from partner universities from Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Lithuania, Netherlands, Sweden and Norway.

The Head of the French Prime Minister’s Economic Advisors at VŠE

On Monday, 9 May 2011, the department of international trade and the French-Czech Institute of Management (IFTG) organized a workshop for doctoral students and graduates of the MBA-MAE course. The main speaker was Professor Christian de Boissieu, the head of French PM François Fillon’s economic advisors.

A Cooperation Agreement between VŠE and Škoda Auto Signed

On Thursday, 5 May 2011, the President of VŠE Prof. Ing. Richard Hindls, CSc. signed a three-year cooperation agreement with the representatives of Škoda Auto, the chairman of the board Prof. Winfried Vahland, dr.h.c., and Ing. Bohdan Wojnar, a board member for human resources.

Nation 2 Nation is a Responsible Party!

Breaking down the barriers, bringing the world together – that is the motto of ESN VSE Prague. One of their events which best contributes to this motto is the Nation2Nation party. Each week of the semester there is a party dedicated to a different nation, offering not only typical welcome drinks from the respective nations, but […]

International Week Prague 2011

The student organization ESN VSE Prague has organized, for the sixth time, a project called International Week Prague. International Week is a kind of an exchange program aimed at students from economic universities. The purpose of this project is to show foreign students the best of the Czech Republic, with individual parts of the program […]

Master’s program Economic and Regional Studies of Latin America

One of the most important characteristics of this program is that it offers an excellent opportunity to acquire substantial international experience and obtain a double degree. Application deadline is 31.5.2011.

Chairman of the Board of Management Škoda Auto, a.s. W. Vahland at the University of Economics, Prague

Prof. Winfried Vahland, dr.h.c. will visit the University of Economics, Prague on Thursday, 5th May 2011. His lecture on the “International Strategy of Škoda Auto” will be held in Vencovského aula at 12:45. The signing of a cooperation agreement and handing over of the sponsor car will follow.

Master’s Programs Applications for 2011/2012

The University of Economics, Prague – the leading university in the fields of management and economics in the Czech Republic – offers a range of Master’s programs taught in English for 2011/2012 academic year.

Global oikos meeting brings sustainable architecture to VSE

Students and employees are invited mainly to the evening on “Sustainable Architecture: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”. This event will be held as part of “oikos Spring Meeting 2011” on Thursday 24th March from 19:45 in the room RB 101 in English.