
Orientation Week, Fall Semester 2022, academic year 2022/2023

Traditional Orientation Week for international students took place from September 14th to 16th 2022 at Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) campus. For approx. 800 students, both exchange students and students of English taught programmes an enriching programme was created with the main purpose of the Orientation Week is to help the students become […]

Orientation Week, Fall Semester 2022, academic year 2022/2023

VSE is attending the 32nd annual EAIE 2022 educational conference

VSE representatives are among more than 6,000 experts in international education who gathered between 13-16 September 2022 at the 32nd annual EAIE (European Association in International Education) conference and exhibition. After two years, when the conference was moved to an online environment due to the pandemic situation, this year’s conference takes place physically in Barcelona. […]

VSE is attending the 32nd annual EAIE 2022 educational conference

Korean delegation from Seoul National University visited VSE

The Vice-Rector for International Relations, prof. Ing. Hana Machková, CSc., and representatives of the VSE International Office welcomed a delegation from Seoul National University (SNU) at VSE on Tuesday 6th September 2022. The visit started at the Jarov dormitories. The SUZ director, Ing. Ota Zima, CSc., MBA, prepared a presentation and conducted a tour of […]

Korean delegation from Seoul National University visited VSE

The Strategic Board of the Alliance of the World’s Best Business Schools Met in Portugal

After a three-year break caused by the covid-19 pandemic, a meeting of the Strategic Board of the international association of universities CEMS The Global Alliance in Management Education was held in Portugal. Only top representatives of individual member schools and representatives of corporate partners can be members of this body. VŠE was represented at the […]

The Strategic Board of the Alliance of the World’s Best Business Schools Met in Portugal

Faculty of International Relations Supports Czech Presidency of European Council

The Faculty of International Relations (FIR) actively supports the Czech presidency of the European Council, both through interns, whom it has sent to Brussels on the basis of several selection procedures and through scientific projects that experts from the Faculty of International Relations have been working on for the Office of the Government of the […]

Faculty of International Relations Supports Czech Presidency of European Council

Opening Hours at VŠE during Summer Holidays

Campus Premises are open in normal opening hours: Žižkov Mon-Fri 6:00-22:00 Sat 7:00-16:00 Sun 7:00-14:00 5.-6. 7. CLOSED (national holidays) Jižní Město Mon-Fri 6:00-20:00 Sat 7:00-14:00 h Sun CLOSED 5.-6. 7. CLOSED (national holidays) Eating Student Canteen 30. 5.-24. 6.: Mon-Thu 11:00-16:00, Fri 11:00-14:00 25. 6.-18. 9.: CLOSED (Employee canteen in operation) od 19. 9.: […]

Opening Hours at VŠE during Summer Holidays

Ukrainian Students Wave Goodbye to Academic Year

Students from Ukraine, who were exceptionally admitted to the VŠE Exchange programme, have successfully completed the summer semester. Accompanied by the Ukrainian lecturers, Prof. Lyudmila Chyzhevska and Dr. Kateryna Shymanska, as well as by the International Office representatives, they symbolically gave their farewell to the academic year on the roof of the National Museum of […]

Ukrainian Students Wave Goodbye to Academic Year

Reconstruction Is Taking Place in xPORT. It Will Reopen in September

Business incubator and accelerator xPORT VŠE helps innovative ideas and startups on their way to success. In the seven years of its existence, it has supported more than a hundred students or graduates projects. They all went through a creative and inspiring space in Jarov, Prague. Since March 2022, the lower of the two floors […]

Reconstruction Is Taking Place in xPORT. It Will Reopen in September

Professors Pělucha and Pitner Received Appointment Decrees

On June 17, 2022 professors who met all the conditions for obtaining the highest academic degree took over the appointment decrees from the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Petr Gazdík. The President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman appointed 83 new professors on the proposals of scientific and artistic boards of universities. The decision […]

Professors Pělucha and Pitner Received Appointment Decrees