
Appointment of the new CEMS Academic Director

President of the University of Economics, Prague prof. Richard Hindls is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jiří HNILICA to the position of Academic Director of the very prestigious CEMS MIM program.

The UEP awarded W. A. Niskanen

The University of Economics, Prague awarded Mr. William A. Niskanen the honorary title of “doctor oeconomiae honoris causa“. The ceremony was held on 7 May at 14:30 in the New Aula of the UEP with the presence of some very important guests. A lecture by W. A. Niskanen called “Autocratic, Democratic, and Optimal Government” was […]

Doctoral study at UEP

In the 2008/09 academic year, the University of Economics, Prague (UEP) offers fifteen PhD programs that are taught in English. The application deadline is May 15, 2008.

Prague Conference on Political Economy – PCPE 2008

Fourth annual conference on political economy, economic theory and history, law and economics and the relation between economics and politics is organized by the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration. Participants from universities in Europe, USA, Canada as well as from Taiwan will be presenting their papers. We expect to have several participants from Africa.

International Business at VSE – Master’s Program for all Bachelors

The University of Economics, Prague, opens for the sixth consecutive year a two-year Master’s Program International Business – Central European Business Realities. The Program is fully taught in English and does not demand any other language knowledge.

Job fair “Chance” at UEP

On March 18 and 19, 2008 at UEP’s Rajska building, there will be another job fair called “Chance”.

Günter Verheugen at the UEP

On 6 March 2008, from 16:15, in the New Aula of the UEP, Dr. h. c. Günter Verheugen, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, will hold a lecture regarding “Czech EU membership as a key to success in the global economy“.

Cooperation of UEP with business

What do companies expect from graduates, how do they recruit young talent, which concrete forms of cooperation among business and UEP currently exist and how can UEP students benefit from them – these are only a few of the topics which will be discussed by the discussion panel titled: “The better start of graduates on […]

Master degrees in English

The University of Economics, Prague (UEP) offers four Master degrees taught in English.

Information and Library Services at UEP

A special information base represents an important part of a modern university. Students, UEP employees and the public have at their disposal a large complex of study rooms, libraries and electronic information resources as well as additional services.