
Bachelor Study Programmes at UEP

UEP applicants for bachelor study programmes can choose from a broad offer of six faculties in academic year 2008/09. For the coming academic year, UEP will accept over 4000 new students. The application form is available online at prihlasky.vse.cz.

Centre for disabled students at UEP

Young people with a handicap of hearing, seeing or with limited movement are slowly beginning to use the special possibilities, which are offered by universities.

Visiting professors at UEP

In 2007 UEP has offered to its students in sum 64 courses taught by visiting professors from abroad.

Research Day of Prague Universities

The event will take place on Friday, November 30, 2007 under the auspices of the Mayor of the City of Prague Pavel Bém on the premises of the University of Economics, Prague.  

Conference about the impacts of globalisation

The Centre of European Studies of UEP cordially invites you to the international conference “Globalisation Challenges and New Trends of Governance”, which will be held November 20 at UEP.

Alumni Meeting at UEP

On November, 24 2007 the University of Economics, Prague will host an alumni meeting with a broad social and professional programme.

Foreign Students at UEP

Each year, more and more students from abroad are interested in studying at UEP. There are students from 49 countries studying at UEP this semester.

Cultural clubs at UEP

Studies at UEP involve more than just lectures; talented students also have several other opportunities to develop their skills. Within the UEP, there is an active mixed choir, the UEP Chamber Orchestra and a folk group called Gaudeamus. The beginning of the new academic year is a good opportunity for enrolment of new members.

Honors Academia – A Program for Excellent UEP Students

The first group of select UEP students will join an elite educational and training program called “Honors Academia”.

University of Economics develops cooperation with its alumni

University of Economics wants to broaden cooperation with its alumni.