
CESP – Summer School 2007

Central and East European Studies Program (CESP) offers to international students an intensive summer school.

Czech Day against Cancer at UEP

Students and employees of the University of Economics, Prague can support the struggle against cancer by buying a sunflower at Rajska budova on Wednesday 16th May, 2007.

Science and the future of Europe

The Česká hlava Project and University of Economics, Prague are organizing the 6th International conference

Fight Hunger: Walk the World 2006 (CEMS Prague club)

On May, 13th 2007 there will be the Walk the World event organized in Prague. The March starts at 9,30 on Strelecky ostrov.

Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program

On 23rd and 24th April 2007 the “Days of Partner Universities” will be held at the University of Economics, Prague. This action is organized by the Department of International Studies and the Buddy System student organization for the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Erasmus Program.

International Strategy of Škoda Auto

Martin JAHN, Chief Human Resources Officer, Škoda Auto a.s. will give a lecture in English on Monday, April 16, 2007 at 11 a.m., lecture hall C.

Prague Conference on Political Economy – PCPE 2007

Prague Conference on Political Economy is an international and interdisciplinary gathering of scholars and supporters (not only) of the Austrian School of Economics and political economy of freedom.

International Business at VSE – master’s program for all bachelors

The University of Economics, Prague, is offering for the fifth consecutive year, a two year International Business – Central European Business Realities master’s program.

Central and East European Studies Program

The Central and East European Studies Program (CESP) was built in 1992 as an optional one- or two-semester program held in English for students at graduate and undergraduate levels. The program focuses on issues of Central and East European economies, societies and cultures.

Development and Counselling Centre joins the University and business together

The Centre is responsible for developing business partnerships and negotiating internships and working opportunities for students.