Final round of the Economic Olympiad for Primary Schools 2024
On 21 June 2024, the final round of the third year of the Economic Olympiad for Primary Schools took place at the Prague University of Economics and Business in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Education (INEV). For the first time in the history of this prestigious competition, the VŠE not only hosted but also co-organised a meeting of the best economic talents from all over the Czech Republic.
The national final was attended by 56 students and their coordinators. The programme included a written part, accompanying lectures and an oral round for the ten most successful participants. The whole competition started with a speech by the founder of INEV, Mrs. Ing. Martina Bacíková. The professional aspect of the competition was taken care of by Ing. Pavel Potužák, Ph.D. from the Department of Economics and his team. The jury for the oral part included Assoc. Ing. Helena Chytilová, Ph.D., M.A. and Ing. Jitka Špeciánová, Ph.D. The jury members were pleasantly surprised by the high level of knowledge of the contestants. Many of the participants demonstrated economic knowledge that corresponded to the knowledge expected of undergraduate students. This fact underlines not only the quality of the competition, but also the exceptional talent and diligence of the participating primary school students. The whole event was concluded with a speech by the Rector of the VŠE doc. Ing. Petr Dvořák, Ph.D., who then presented the prizes to the winners of the Olympiad.
The Economic Olympiad is a unique national competition aimed at promoting financial literacy and the development of economic thinking among young students. The competition is organised by the Institute of Economic Education, a non-profit organisation involved in the development of economics education and financial literacy in Czech schools. Its activities make economic topics accessible to young people and provide support to teachers in Czech schools in the field of economic education. It also connects students and schools with companies and experts in economics and finance.
We would like to thank all the participants for their commitment and enthusiasm, as well as all the organisers for their tireless work in preparing and implementing this important event. Special thanks also go to all the primary school teachers whose work helps to make the economic context more accessible to the students.
The winners of this year’s Economic Olympiad for Primary Schools are:
František Jemelka – OPEN GATE – gymnasium and primary school
Eduard Bolina – Gymnasium Christian Doppler
Robert Šatera – OPEN GATE – Gymnasium and Primary School
place: Matyáš Jakubíček – Gymnasium ALTIS
place: Matyáš Moffitt – PORG Libeň, PORG – gymnasium and primary school, o. p. s.
Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to the next year!