
Petr Dvořák Was Inaugurated as Rector

The ceremonial inauguration of the new Rector Petr Dvořák took place on April 22, 2022, in the Vencovského Auditorium. He took over a symbolic Rector´s chain from the hands of the Chairman of the Academic Senate of VŠE Marek Stříteský. The ceremony was attended by a number of senior representatives of the academic community from […]

Petr Dvořák Was Inaugurated as Rector

University offers psychological consultations in Ukrainian / Психологічна допомога у звязку з вторгненням на Україну

The Academic Centre of the Prague University of Economics and Business continues to provide assistance to students who need psychological help as a result of war traumas. It now offers students the services of an Ukrainian psychologist, in Ukrainian. Consultations are taking place in May and June. Prior registration is required. How to register? log […]

University offers psychological consultations in Ukrainian / Психологічна допомога у звязку з вторгненням на Україну

Rector’s Sports Day: Participate in Sports Tournaments or Faculty Battle / 27. 4. /

Rector’s Sports Day is an opportunity to take a break from study duties, do something for your body and have fun with classmates and friends. Instead of teaching, which is canceled on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 the Prague University of Economics and Business has prepared a sports program for students and teachers. Tournaments and sports […]

Rector’s Sports Day: Participate in Sports Tournaments or Faculty Battle / 27. 4. /

Invitation to Inauguration of Rector /22. 4./

We cordially invite all students, employees and the public to the inauguration of the Rector of the Prague University of Economics and Business doc. Ing. Petr Dvořák, Ph.D. The ceremonial meeting will take place on Friday, April 22, 2022 from 11 a.m. in Vencovského Auditorium, New Building, W. Churchill Sq. 4, Prague 3. Guests are […]

Invitation to Inauguration of Rector /22. 4./

Application Deadline for English-taught Programmes is April 30

The applications for all bachelor and master English-taught degree programmes offered at the Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) are open and go until April 30, 2022, with the exception of the BBA programme – June 10, 2022. For more information about the programmes curricula and admission requirements, please, visit the programmes’ website or contact the programme’s coordinator. […]

Application Deadline for English-taught Programmes is April 30

Visit Job Fair CHANCE /19.-21. 4./

Are you looking for a job, an internship or do you want to get an idea of ​​what career awaits you in the future? Visit the CHANCE / ŠANCE Job Fair at the Prague University of Economics (VŠE) and Business. You will meet representatives of 120 international and Czech companies and institutions, you can consult […]

Visit Job Fair CHANCE /19.-21. 4./

University Introduces New Members of Management

We would like to introduce you the Rector’s closest colleagues and members of the management of the Prague University of Economics and Business. With the beginning of Rector’s term of office, the team of Vice-Rectors and their agenda are also changing. The Rector Petr Dvořák appoints the following Vice-Rectors: Pavel Hnát – Vice-Rector for Education […]

University Introduces New Members of Management

Term of Office of New Rector Begins

The Prague University of Economics and Business (VŠE) has a new rector since April 1, 2022. Doc. Petr Dvořák, the current Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, takes office after Prof. Hana Machková, who has led the university for two terms since 2014. Petr Dvořák was elected by the Academic Senate of the university in the autumn […]

Term of Office of New Rector Begins

VŠE Awarded Most Popular Teachers of 2021

For the third time, the Prague University of Economics and Business awarded the most popular teachers of all faculties. Jan Molín from the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Martina Jiránková from the Faculty of International Relations, David Říha from the Faculty of Business Administration, Miroslava Otavová from the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Michal Mirvald […]

VŠE Awarded Most Popular Teachers of 2021

Three Current Deans Received Medal for Merit to Development of University

On the occasion of the ending mandate, the rector of the Prague University of Economics and Business Prof. Hana Machková decided to award three commemorative medals for long-term contribution and merit to the development of the university to: the Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, doc. Ladislav Mejzlík, Dean of the Faculty of […]

Three Current Deans Received Medal for Merit to Development of University