
Dean’s Day /9. 4./ and Rector’s Day /22. 4./ are canceled

We would like to inform all academics and students that the Dean’s Days scheduled for Thursday, April 9, 2020 and the Rector’s Sports Day scheduled for Wednesday, April 22, 2020 have been canceled. These days, distance learning will take place.

Dean’s Day /9. 4./ and Rector’s Day /22. 4./ are canceled

Do not miss application deadline for English-taught programmes /30. 6./. Admission process is on-line

Given the current situation, the management of the University extended the application deadline for all English-taught degree programmes except the Master in International Management/CEMS. The original application deadline is April 30, 2020, for all programmes except for the Bachelor of Business Administration. All applications submitted before this deadline will be evaluated in May. Thus, we highly […]

Do not miss application deadline for English-taught programmes /30. 6./. Admission process is on-line

Faculty of Business Administration has successfully completed the EQUIS re-accreditation

April 1, 2020 The Faculty of Business Administration has successfully completed the EQUIS re-accreditation process and is still the only Czech faculty with this most prestigious international accreditation in the field of management. The faculty has been accredited for next 3 years. The Faculty of Business Administration thus remains among the best business schools, such […]

Faculty of Business Administration has successfully completed the EQUIS re-accreditation

Schedule of summer semester unchanged

According to the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, full-time teaching at VŠE will not be possible at least until mid-May 2020. The management of the University, together with the deans of all six faculties, evaluated the extraordinary situation and stated that the faculties of the University are implementing various forms of distance/on-line learning. Therefore, […]

Schedule of summer semester unchanged

Extraordinary measures of VŠE in connection with instructions of Ministry of Health valid from March 11

Due to an extraordinary measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, which with effect from March 11, 2020 forbids the personal presence of students in classes, the management of the University of Economics, Prague and Deans took all the following decisions: From Wednesday, March 11, 2020 until further notice, but at least […]

Extraordinary measures of VŠE in connection with instructions of Ministry of Health valid from March 11

Cancellation of classes from Wednesday, March 11, until further notice

Due to an extraordinary measure of the Ministry of Health, which forbids the personal presence of students in classes with effect from March 11, 2020, the Rector of the University of Economics decided to cancel all lessons in all premises of the University of Economics, Prague and Jindřichův Hradec. The events of student associations and […]

Cancellation of classes from Wednesday, March 11, until further notice

VŠE preventive measures to reduce risk of coronavirus infection: Lessons are canceled on March 9 and 10

Dear colleagues/Dear students, Today, there was a notice to the address of that a student of the University of Economics, Prague came to contact with an infected person. The student is currently in quarantine and is waiting for the results of the tests, which should be announced tomorrow (March 10, 2020). We forwarded the […]

VŠE preventive measures to reduce risk of coronavirus infection: Lessons are canceled on March 9 and 10

Visit Job Fair Šance /17.-19. 3./

From 17th to 19th March, the Job Fair ŠANCE (Chance) will be held at the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE). Students and graduates of VŠE have the opportunity to meet more than one hundred employers and their job offers represented at the fair. The fair lasts for three days, on each day from 10:00 am to […]

Visit Job Fair Šance /17.-19. 3./

Rector’s Order to reduce risk of coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

Dear colleagues/Dear students, We would like to inform you about the Rector’s Order No. 01/2020 to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection (COVID-19). The order is concerning arrivals from risk areas. VŠE applies a 14-day restriction of access to its campuses (Žižkov, Jižní město, Faculty of Management in Jindřichův Hradec) for persons who have returned […]

Rector’s Order to reduce risk of coronavirus infection (COVID-19)

VŠE awarded the most popular teachers

The University of Economics, Prague awarded the most popular teachers from all six faculties for the first time. In 2019, Jan Molín became the most popular teacher at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, Zuzana Stuchlíková is most popular teacher at the Faculty of International Relations, David Říha at the Faculty of Business Administration, Milan […]

VŠE awarded the most popular teachers

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