
Full-time Master’s Program International Business – Central European Business Realities: The application deadline is April 30, 2019

The University of Economics, Prague offers 10 Master degree programmes in English. We are introducing all of them on the website during February. The Open House Day of master’s programmes taught in English will be held in Rajská Building/Rajská budova (RB) on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. Master program International Business – Central European Business Realities program, offered […]

Full-time Master’s Program International Business – Central European Business Realities: The application deadline is April 30, 2019

Join us. Study Bachelor of Economics

The University of Economics, Prague offers 4 international bachelor’s study programmes. We introduce all of them on the website during January. The Open House Day of bachelor’s programmes taught in English will be held in Rajská Building/Rajská budova (RB) on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. The Faculty of Economics offers a Bachelor program Economics, which is entirely […]

Join us. Study Bachelor of Economics

International students coming to study at VŠE are joining the Orientation Week /4.-10. 2./

Approx. 400 international students coming to study at VŠE during the Spring Semester 2019 are joining the Orientation Week on Monday, February 4, 2019. The event, which has grown into a tradition over the years, is organized by the International Office and CESP Staff and consists of a wide scope of activities. The main purpose […]

International students coming to study at VŠE are joining the Orientation Week /4.-10. 2./

Scheduled mail server outgage /1. 2./

We inform you about scheduled mail server outgage. The mail services will be available today afternoon (February 1, 2019). Thank you for understanding.

Scheduled mail server outgage /1. 2./

Česká spořitelna continues to be the general partner of VŠE in 2019

Today at the headquarters of Česká spořitelna, the rector of VŠE Hana Machková signed a cooperation agreement with Česká spořitelna, the general partner of VŠE. Attending the signing were, among others, a member of the board Pavel Kráčmar and the director of municipal finance department Milan Hašek, a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations. […]

Česká spořitelna continues to be the general partner of VŠE in 2019

Join us. Study a full-time Bachelor of Business Administration

The University of Economics, Prague offers 4 international bachelor’s study programmes. We introduce all of them on the website during January. The Open House Day of bachelor’s programmes taught in English will be held in Rajská Building/Rajská budova (RB) on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. The full-time Bachelor of Business Administration bachelor´s degree program (BBA) taught in […]

Join us. Study a full-time Bachelor of Business Administration

Join us. Study a full-time International Business bachelor’s degree program

The University of Economics Prague offers 4 international bachelor’s study programmes. We introduce all of them on the website during January. The Open House Day of bachelor’s programmes taught in English will be held in Rajská Building/Rajská budova (RB) on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. A full-time International Business bachelor’s degree program taught in English is offered […]

Join us. Study a full-time International Business bachelor’s degree program

International Week /21.-24.1./

The Faculty of Informatics and Statistics (FIS) organizes once a year the International Week when invites 3-5 teachers, each of them gives an intensive lecture for 3 ECTS which is offered to Master´s students at the University of Economics, Prague, as an elective course. Students can choose one course every year from the given offer. This […]

International Week /21.-24.1./

International seminar for students of iaelyon, School of Management

In the frame of a long lasting cooperation with Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, iaelyon School of Management, we are happy to welcome 31 French students for the International seminar at VŠE. The four day seminar is organized by IFTG (French-Czech Institute of Management). Students can choose between seminars organized at their home university which […]

International seminar for students of iaelyon, School of Management

New memorial plaque in Žižkov campus will commemorate Jan Palach

The unveiling of a memorial plaque takes place at the University of Economics, Prague, next Wednesday. The memorial plaque placed on the Stará budova (SB, Old Building) will commemorate former student of VŠE, Jan Palach. His self-immolation is a symbol of protest against the general passivity and repression of freedom not only in the Czech […]

New memorial plaque in Žižkov campus will commemorate Jan Palach