Vice-Rector Hana Machková was elected Chair of CAMBAS for the period 2024-2029
The plenary meeting of the Czech Association of MBA Schools (CAMBAS), held at the VŠE on 16 April 2024, elected by secret ballot for a five-year term a new Board, which will consist of:
- Prof. Ing. Hana Machková, CSc., Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Vice-Rector for International Relations (Chair)
- doc. Ing. Jiří Koleňák, Ph.D., MBA, LLM, Newton University, Vice-Chancellor (Vice-Chairman)
- doc. Ing. Vojtěch Spáčil, CSc., VŠB – Technical University Ostrava, Faculty of Economics, Dean
- Mgr. Petr Šulc, Škoda Auto Vysoká Škola, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality Management
The Czech Association of MBA Schools has been operating in the Czech Republic as an accreditation body for MBA programmes since 1998. It is an organization that aims to promote the quality of MBA study programmes and to contribute to the development of globally recognized form of lifelong learning in the Czech Republic. CAMBAS members are public universities and private educational institutions.
CAMBAS accreditation of a study programme is a guarantee of quality for those interested in studying MBA when deciding which school and which MBA programme to choose from. For employers, it is a guarantee that the graduate has completed a challenging MBA programme with content that meets international standards.
At present, VŠE has three accredited MBA programmes:
- Faculty of Finance and Accounting:Real Estate Investment, Development and Valuation
- Faculty of Business and Economics: Executive MBA
- French-Czech Institute of Management: Master management et administration des entreprises