Assessing foreign education in the admissions process

As part of the admissions procedure, applicants for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees at the VŠE may have their foreign education assessed for the purposes of the admissions procedure at the VŠE. The VŠE can assess the previous education of its applicants, which is made possible by the Institutional Accreditation it received from the National Accreditation Office in 2018. This means a significant simplification for applicants to the VŠE. Previously, the required proof of general recognition of foreign education in the Czech Republic (called nostrification) is only required if the VŠE expresses doubts about the sufficient level, extent or content of the applicant’s previous foreign education evidenced by a foreign document and invites the applicant to prove his/her education by submitting a nostrification.

The Education Assessment Agenda is administered by the Legal Department, and from 1 December 2024, it is fully integrated into the application for studies in the Integrated Study and Information System of the University of Economics (InSIS).

What will I learn at this site?

  1. The process of assessing foreign education in the admissions process

  2. What needs to be documented

  3. How will I know the result of the assessment

The process of assessing foreign education in the admissions process

  • The process of assessing foreign education for admission to study in a given admission procedure is initiated by the faculty as soon as you have duly submitted and paid for your application to study in the Integrated Study and Information System (InSIS). If you wish to accelerate the initiation of the assessment, you can request this from the faculty via the Applicant Contact Centre in InSIS.
  • Once the assessment has started, the applicant is required to pay the fee directly in the application for studies; in the case of English-instructed programs, an additional fee is not required. If you are submitting multiple applications to study, the foreign education assessment application is made only once, and the result of the assessment is valid for all degree programs of the same type to which you are applying.
  • The moment the faculty begins the foreign education assessment process as part of the admissions process, you will be notified by an informational email with all the instructions, and a new section called Education Assessment will appear on your application, including the option to pay the fee.

What needs to be documented

In the admission procedure, we accept documents issued in the Czech Republic or Slovakia only electronically, in a digitally signed version. If you have a digital version or if you obtain the documents from a so-called guaranteed conversion, you can insert them directly into your application documents in InSIS. We will inform you by automatic email about the acceptance of the documents.

In the case of documents from other countries, it often happens that you do not have a digital version, so it is possible to send the documents by post to the following address:

VŠE in Prague
Legal Department
Nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Prague 3

In case of secondary education, it is necessary to provide

  1. an officially certified copy of the foreign secondary education document,
  2. a certificate from the relevant foreign secondary school or other competent foreign authority stating that a graduate of the secondary education programme of the foreign secondary school in question is entitled to apply for admission to a bachelor’s degree programme in that foreign country,
  3. an official translation of the above documents into Czech or English, if necessary.

In the case of higher education, it is necessary to send

  1. an officially certified copy of the diploma, certificate or similar proof of completion of studies issued by the foreign university,
  2. an officially certified copy of a diploma supplement or a statement of examinations passed,
  3. an official translation of the above documents into Czech or English, if necessary.

How will I know the result of the assessment

You will be notified of the outcome of the assessment in your application form. The result of the assessment, if positive, is valid for admission to all study programmes of all faculties of the University of Economics in Prague to which the applicant has applied for study before submitting the application for assessment.

The faculty may, if the applicant applies for a visa and in other justified cases, issue a confirmation of a positive assessment of the foreign education in terms of fulfilling the admission condition for study upon the applicant’s request.

If the University has doubts about the sufficiency of the level, extent or content of the applicant’s previous foreign education as evidenced by the foreign document, the result of the assessment is negative. The University shall notify the applicant of this result and invite the applicant to provide evidence of his/her education in the manner specified in Section 48(4)(a) or (5)(a) of the Act. If the applicant subsequently fails to prove his or her education in this way, he or she has not demonstrated that he or she has attained secondary education with a matriculation examination pursuant to Section 48(1) of the Act or higher education pursuant to Section 48(1) or (3) of the Act, and the faculty shall issue a decision on non-admission to study.

If you are unsure, please contact the College of Education via the email address